Non Mihi Solum

les personnes les plus influentes au monde
-either you get it or you don't.

Non Mihi Solum

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hello :)

Wanted to blog to say Happy Birthday to WJ and Veron, but Xf beat me to it. Damn.
The next birthday is SY's. SY, if you're reading this, I'll be very very very very very late if we're meeting. And you know why.
We gotta meet up, like a class gathering of some sort. Best if its at ECP! I want to blade!

But I've got a nasty feeling that we've got to wait till around the Christmas period.
So come on everybody, lets meet up soon.
Commit some time, put in some effort and send those sms to those whom you've been wanting to meet, but keep  pushing back! Just a simple lunch or movie is great too you know.

Speaking of movies, I just watched "tong yan" by yang cheng lin. Erm. Only watch if you have extra $ left and really cannot think of anything else to spend on. Like really last resort. All the shops you know are mysteriously closed. 7-11 is down for renovations, that kind of situation. Heng I watched for free.

So yeah. would love to hear from other peeps that I seldom meet up, would like to know whatever goes on in your life! So, do actively share, k? :)

- Your best looking college mate -

p.s. the html's a little jumbled up. dunno how to fix it though. or isit because of my browser? i m using chrome. those who know, pls lend a little of your html talents to rectify it! Thanks!

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