Non Mihi Solum

les personnes les plus influentes au monde
-either you get it or you don't.

Non Mihi Solum

Friday, October 15, 2010

Post #1 by your classmate who's gonna give birth to an angmoh baby in future.

How come this posting page looks different from mine in blogger? This looks much nicer you know.

Anyway, due to popular demand (i.e. 1 person), I have decided to take time off my extremely busy schedule to write an inspiring piece for his blog. So to show your gratitude for me, please shout ALL HAIL PRISCILLA before you proceed.

(go on, shout now, don't be shy, only I can hear you)

(I know you're not shouting yet, please shout out loud now if not you can't scroll down)

Done with the shouting?

As of now, I believe Teo Bao Wen will be the only person who followed my instructions (if she's reading this). Then again, she might be too busy part-tor-ing that she has no time to read this. Ooooops, did I just say something?

It's kind of weird to post here and at my own blog. HAHAHAHAHA. When I've nothing important to update the class on except maybe I ate this Mee Goreng instant noodles and the portion is omega small and it says it comes with fried dumplings so I was like OMG THIS IS SOOO COOL. Turn out fried dumplings refer to those cracker like things you find on top of yusheng, which, by the way, is the only part of yusheng that I like.

Spent my morning looking for my IC and playing Bejeweled Blitz to celebrate the fact that I found it. Hooray.

Yesterday I was on the MRT and I suddenly felt this discomfort in my nose, causing me to give a sudden sneeze. You know, that kind which you cannot control and it comes so sudden your hands just fly onto your face. So I managed to cover my nose/mouth area in time. BUT the auntie next to me was staring at me. Then she started wiping off "something" on her right cheek (I was seated to her right). And if that wasn't enough she wiped it off her sleeve. And if that still wasn't enough she took out tissue and continue wiping. And if that still still wasn't enough she wiped it throughout the journey from Yishun to Admiralty, which according to the MRT guide is a whole 7minutes. Maybe she thought I had HIV and maybe she thought HIV was passed by air particles and maybe she thought she was close enough to get it. I almost wanted to apologise for not bring Detol for her and wanted to hand her $2 to buy some antiseptic wipes and offer to pay for her vaccination lest she gets some disease due to the accidental sneeze.

Or maybe I should write to SMRT and request for myself to be isolated in the last cabin. Where I get lots of seats to choose from and not have to be on my toes every time I sit on a priority seat. Speaking of which, I very zi dong one okay. If you are carrying heavier things than me/look more tired than me, I won't fight for seat with you even if you're a male. Cuz I understand it's super tiring to work/go to school for the whole day and still have to inhale the pungent smell emitted from unknown sources and stand from Jurong East to God-knows-where. Even if it means I have to stand from Jurong to Yishun, which according to the MRT guide is a whooping 29mins, I would not fight with you for the seat. BUT if you try to fight with me for the seat and you don't look as in need ah, that's another story.

This shall be sufficient to satisfy my fans' hunger for a new post. I love you all.

Signing off with lots of love,
your classmate who's gonna give birth to an angmoh baby in future.

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