Non Mihi Solum

les personnes les plus influentes au monde
-either you get it or you don't.

Non Mihi Solum

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Have you all ever studied to a point when your notes, concepts, theories come haunting you in your sleep??? HELL!!! I studied for my exams till in my dream i was chanting the concepts and theories and it was so disturbing because i have no idea if I was sleeping at all! Well I don't mind if i really was chanting the correct concepts and theories, that would be like a special ability, a TALENT which probably another vampire in Twilight might have- to be studying even when you're sleeping. BUT, i was chanting stuff that are well, related to the stuff i study but dont make sense at all!!! Its freaking irritating esp when you've got only 5 hours of  sleep before your paper.

Imagine having the ability to study as you sleep, I would love to sleep all day long!!!

NUS ppl: ALl the best for your papers and hope you are not having a time as bad as mine!

NTU ppl: your turn will come... Heh heh...

Army ppl: Just a few more months, or for some less than a month (yeah, congrats!)

My HELL will end next Wednesday.... COme QUICK!!!

Tangy =X

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