Non Mihi Solum

les personnes les plus influentes au monde
-either you get it or you don't.

Non Mihi Solum

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Off to Australia

Goodbye all! We are going to Australia TODAY! AHHH! Want to send us off? 11am at budget terminal (:

Waisin loves you all!


Sunday, December 5, 2010

48 hr weekend duties can kill...

Hi all! Long time no see!

Okay, that was nonsense cause I just saw like 7 of you 2 days ago. So anyway, I'm stuck in camp on this wonderful weekend because everyone decided to run standard chartered marathon today. And to get enough rest, they can't do the duty yesterday. And hence, me, the guy who thinks that paying to run is stupid, have to tank my very first 48 hr duty. And it's killing me. I have been sleeping in the afternoons and hogging the com so that no one else can use. I finished 4 Rittersports, 6 Vitasoy, 1 Corntos and 1 Calbee Prawn Crackers. But on the bright side, my time in army is coming to an end (soon...)

Enough of the digression. I'm here to bring you updates for our class gathering on 26th December 2010. Aren't you guys excited? I know you are. And because I love you all, I've planned an exciting event for you guys! It's the Amazing Race-cum-Treasure Hunt Kovan (inspired by Siaun)!

In teams of 2, you will have to follow clues to certain locations and take photographs of what is instructed in the clue. Don't worry, more details will be revealed on the day itself. Those who want to take part, please sign up on the tagboard to the left so that I can estimate how many people are there.

Also, kindly RSVP by Tuesday, 7th November 2010 so that I know how many people are attending our class gathering. I need to prepare the food cause my house no more BBQ pits. I'm going to cater buffet and it will be approximately $12-$16 per person (not confirmed yet). And I will not be around from 12th December 2010 - 20th December 2010 because I will be in Australia with Rachel, Siaun, Xinfang and Siying!

Oh my god, I can feel the excitement coming in the month of December! Can you?

On a side note, Waisin can't roll his tongue! LOL!

-Yixuan, the one who refuses to pay to run

Saturday, December 4, 2010

magic magic

seems like no one's updating!!! only a few of us are keeping this blog alive. LOL.

okay. so mini gathering dinner today in town with jingjing, pris, siying, yixuan, timo and siaun! (although they watched p movie earlier with val ;D )we had random stuff for dinner. haha! fruit tarts very delicious right!!! shall we go back again :D:D:D i wanna try the silicon boobies!!! i'm pretty sure it is not pear. HAHA! the video is up on facebook! laughed ourselves silly. LOL.

around and around we go and we still end up in the supermarket. such a thirteen tradition. haha! and siying got cheated of 5 bucks with that super yucky fake "burger king onion rings". next time we shall just buy sour cream and onion Lays chips!!!

sigh! and my day ended with me being vomited on. yucks!!! so class, please be more active here huh. thanks!!!

p.s. timo you still owe us a post!!! and waisin you might as well start posting!!!

-xf ^^

Saturday, November 27, 2010

BACK FROM US! (Or Survivor for Waisin)

Sorry for being unable to get slippers back for you girls. They can't be found! Probably not in the winter season. Actually, I didn't get anything! Not enough money ):

Anyway, here's a reminder to all to sms me your confirmed attendance for the 26th December 2010 class gathering at my place (tentative).

And Waisin, you rock!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Have you all ever studied to a point when your notes, concepts, theories come haunting you in your sleep??? HELL!!! I studied for my exams till in my dream i was chanting the concepts and theories and it was so disturbing because i have no idea if I was sleeping at all! Well I don't mind if i really was chanting the correct concepts and theories, that would be like a special ability, a TALENT which probably another vampire in Twilight might have- to be studying even when you're sleeping. BUT, i was chanting stuff that are well, related to the stuff i study but dont make sense at all!!! Its freaking irritating esp when you've got only 5 hours of  sleep before your paper.

Imagine having the ability to study as you sleep, I would love to sleep all day long!!!

NUS ppl: ALl the best for your papers and hope you are not having a time as bad as mine!

NTU ppl: your turn will come... Heh heh...

Army ppl: Just a few more months, or for some less than a month (yeah, congrats!)

My HELL will end next Wednesday.... COme QUICK!!!

Tangy =X

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Forget the sponge, Waisin ;P

Waisin, though I dont understand your post completely, but I can tell that you have lost your sponge. Its really amazing to see your own things raining down from the sky. I wouldnt suspect its mine!!! :x What I'm trying to tell you is, a lost sponge does not warrant a thorough investigation? And did you ask the person who stole your toilet paper if he took it? LOL.

Greetings to all!!! =P


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Competition of The Year


to spice up our post christmas pre new year gathering, I thought we could do something special and vote for the Joke Moment of the Year. The winner shall get some form of recognition on the day itself (evidently I haven't thought of what). I have some candidates in mind, but I want to see what you guys think. Waisin's pig faced photo is not counted, because it was not taken this year. Waisin's wire-wrapping experience is not counted, because he didn't wrap it this year. Waisin playing zhen zi during Halloween is not counted, because it happened last year. So nominate any photo/incident that happened to any one of our classmates that can qualify for the award! Waisin, not to worry I'll nominate you. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

- Angmohs rock. P.S. Was at library yesterday and I placed my bag on the seat next to me, resulting in a loss of a great opportunity to sit next to an angmoh. But okay lah, later found out he got girlfriend already.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Greetings from US!

After a long fought battle, I finally managed to kope an internet port to use! Okay, to re-emphasize Priscilla's point, I might have trouble getting slippers for you all. And after 17 days here, I still haven't seen a pair of them! And I will be going to this place for my R&R. So browse through and don't pick too expensive stuff like Coach or Gucci.

And I only entertain wishlists!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sensing your enthusiasm,

I shall not type too much and push your posts down.
Announcement: Yixuan says he can't get Haviana (or Havianna? or Havanna? or Havianias? WHATEVER.). So please re-write your wish lists. (:

- She who will MARAM <3

BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! hello world!! :DDDD

muhahahhaha I am here to blog!!! after like locking myself at home for 1 week to do work I am finally FREEE!!! like wat pris would say as free as a free gift!! so yea i am free now, at least a bit more free. But then u all are super busy now rite. Life has been boring when u face ur models, cutting mat, pen knife, cardboards everyday. But now I dun need to touch them anymore, not until next sem!! Weeeeeee! And I guess u guys are all mugging super hard for ur exams now!! I shall too. I got exams too. So let all jia you jia you and all get cap 5!!!! hahhaahahaha. And also good luck to the guys take care and enjoy ur time before school statrs :)


seeing is believing :)

p.s. harry potter any one?? after exams???

Hello Friends (;

I can't believe this is the first time I'm blogging on our class blog though I have been secretly cyber-stalking you all (;

Away from all the notes, online lectures and textbooks, I can't believe the past 2 weeks had practically sucked away all my brain cells and energy (to whatever that remains). Anatomy paper was bad, so bad ); Really hope I can pass it, say no to supplementary papers!

Anyway just a quick update on what I'll be doing after my exams: trip to Gold Coast, more roadtrips, getting more involved in a student body (CCM- Campus Christian Movement), attending friends' graduation, more sports, expecting a very special group of YOU and yesss, release of final results ); );

So have you guess who I am now?

From Faraway Land,

p/s: study hard girls and yes, guys, start generating your brain cells!


my turn to blog! hahahahhh!

eh, but i dk what to blog about leh, my life's super unexciting now, mug and more mugging. SIGH. ):





Saturday, November 13, 2010

To make Yixuan happier,

Today I went to Chinatown $10 Sing Till 'Song' Family KTV. As I was waiting with a few other friends for everyone else to reach, we realised that no one knew how to get to that place. At that moment, I wondered, "If only Yixuan were here..."

(You are supposed to go Awwwwwww.)

Anyway, got to study. Yixuan I want presents. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

-She who is going to MARAM. (Marry A Rich Ang Moh)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Totally love scamming Ian Kung Waisin


Okay, got over the excitement liao. But the exciting thing is that I'm on an overseas exercise in Oklahoma, USA! And the weather here is turning towards winter. And the winds howl like there is no tomorrow. But it's a very nice experience! Will update photos here once I'm back in SG! Anyone wants to receive me? Fri, 26 Nov 2010, 12noon at T3. SQ 1 (:

And I really can't wait for our gathering in December! Really haven't met up in a long while! Haha! See you guys soon! And all the best with Waisin's lucky draw for an attachment. ^^

Good luck to all the girls having exams!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Ok. I'm relatively bored at home with endless days of MC. So I thought why not blog here?

WT's attachment sounds happening, which reminds me of a mega funny story my dad told me regarding spoons and IMH. Must remind me to tell you guys when we meet!

And WS, you sent 40+ applications? You think its lucky draw? More entries = more chances to win? Haha.

And yes, as its nearing ORD, I have been trying to find a job! Relief teaching? Not so much luck with replies ranging from "We will inform you once....." to "Your application has been sent to various department heads....".
Not exactly encouraging for me.
So yes, if anyone has lobang, give me a shout out!

I'm diligent and smart, willing to learn and a team player etc etc etc. haha. No really, got lobang must tell me.
To other soon-but-not-so-sooner-than-me ORD personnels, we can work together too!

So yup. Havent met up in a lil while.
Who wants to watch RED? :)

Cheerios peeps!

Sunday, November 7, 2010



How's everybody??? Study week is coming in a week's time (NUS) and everyone's hair is dropping with eyebags getting blacker and heavier (I hope not XP) !!! Guess what! While you all are still in school/army, I'm having attachment at IMH!!! I started attachment last week and one more week to go before the study week. Sadly, after my exam week I still have another 2 more weeks of attachment with SGH!!! Really look forward to the class gathering in December and my trip to KL in Jan 2011 with my secondary school gorgeously lovely ppl!!!

Christmas come quick come!!!

All the best for exams and hmm... army! Those overseas: KH and WS the weather is getting colder so please dress warm! Im so jealous cuz you all get to see a snowy Xmas. Take care everybody and that's all!!!

Wei Ting Tangy =PPP


hey people! my friends and i finished our crime fiction film :):):) i will upload it soon and show you all okay??? haha!

well, the girls will be snowed under by exams soon! so we must all jiayou! do your best darlings~

i am currently busy now with four projects' deadlines pressing on me so i do not have the time to blog here recently. do not know about the others though. seems that only pris, yx and me are sustaining the blog. this will be quite fail, you know, cause the purpose is for every one to blog so we can catch up with your lives. be more active please~


-xf ^^ 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Super Long Wish List

Please don't bother writing your wish list because I'll delete it so the world will see my wish list and I will feel powerful.

1. 1 angmoh husband
2. 2 angmoh husbands
3. 3 angmoh husbands
4. 4 angmoh husbands
5. 5 angmoh husbands
6. 6 angmoh husbands
7. 7 angmoh husbands
8. 8 angmoh husbands
9. 9 angmoh husbands
10. 10 angmoh husbands
1032. 1032 angmoh husbands

8910281. 8910281 angmoh husbands

I <3 my wish list.

Signing off with lots of love,
the wife of 10932810928301928309183901829038109830198230918 (rounded off to the nearest whole number) angmohs

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Wish List

haha! great suggestion yx!!! i want to post my wish list here too!!! hey friends, you all can just edit post and add the stuff you want from US :*D

1) For YX to have a safe flight and come back in one piece :) (see i thought of you first. so touched right?)
2) US food!!! Anything also can. Just have to be made in US :)
3) I heard that havaianas sell super cheaply in US!!! If it is true get me a pair will you? Thanks!!!

That's all for me  guess. HAHA!  okay lah. just satisfy number one can le. have fun over there!

-xf ^^

I'm going to US

Goodbye everyone! I will be going to US for an overseas exercise from today till 26th Nov. Till we meet again. Ciao~

(Note: If you want to be as shameless as Baowen and ask me buy stuff back. You can try to post a wishlist as a blog post and I might try to get them back for you. Priscilla, please do not wish for things like an ang moh boyfriend.)


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hairy Birthday


I'm so glad I get to wish you firstttttttttttttttttt! And I'm so glad our traffic light colour is ever red. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA.

May you have a hairy happy birthday! (:

- Your classmate who is going to marry Timothy if plan A fails

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My wisdom teeth ):

Hello people! It's me again!

I've just extracted my left wisdom teeth. Now, I'm feeling a bit stupid coz I lost some wisdom. ): And I only have 2 days MC because it wasn't surgically extracted. I'm feeling very sad.

*sob sob*

Anyway, here's some updates for our class gathering! It will be on 26th December 2010 at my house. In case you forgot where I stay, go to and search 13 Kang Choo Bin Road.

There's going to be:

1) BBQ!

2) Gift Exchange

3) Games i.e. SLAP THE WAISIN!

4) Mahjong and Wii

5) HTHT sessions at the China Hostel to feel like ATs.

I'm not being racist right? But nevertheless, it will be a fun-filled event with attractive guys to be won! :D

For more details, contact Priscilla coz I'm going to Oklahoma for 28 days, departing on 29th OCT 2010. ):

Goodbye and have fun!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

happy birthday!

ah hah! i am the first here to wish our dearest siying happy birthday!!! HAHA! hope you are having a fantabulous time now my friend:) take care and have a blast okay? we will see you soon! action 214 love love!

-xf ^^

Friday, October 15, 2010

Post #1 by your classmate who's gonna give birth to an angmoh baby in future.

How come this posting page looks different from mine in blogger? This looks much nicer you know.

Anyway, due to popular demand (i.e. 1 person), I have decided to take time off my extremely busy schedule to write an inspiring piece for his blog. So to show your gratitude for me, please shout ALL HAIL PRISCILLA before you proceed.

(go on, shout now, don't be shy, only I can hear you)

(I know you're not shouting yet, please shout out loud now if not you can't scroll down)

Done with the shouting?

As of now, I believe Teo Bao Wen will be the only person who followed my instructions (if she's reading this). Then again, she might be too busy part-tor-ing that she has no time to read this. Ooooops, did I just say something?

It's kind of weird to post here and at my own blog. HAHAHAHAHA. When I've nothing important to update the class on except maybe I ate this Mee Goreng instant noodles and the portion is omega small and it says it comes with fried dumplings so I was like OMG THIS IS SOOO COOL. Turn out fried dumplings refer to those cracker like things you find on top of yusheng, which, by the way, is the only part of yusheng that I like.

Spent my morning looking for my IC and playing Bejeweled Blitz to celebrate the fact that I found it. Hooray.

Yesterday I was on the MRT and I suddenly felt this discomfort in my nose, causing me to give a sudden sneeze. You know, that kind which you cannot control and it comes so sudden your hands just fly onto your face. So I managed to cover my nose/mouth area in time. BUT the auntie next to me was staring at me. Then she started wiping off "something" on her right cheek (I was seated to her right). And if that wasn't enough she wiped it off her sleeve. And if that still wasn't enough she took out tissue and continue wiping. And if that still still wasn't enough she wiped it throughout the journey from Yishun to Admiralty, which according to the MRT guide is a whole 7minutes. Maybe she thought I had HIV and maybe she thought HIV was passed by air particles and maybe she thought she was close enough to get it. I almost wanted to apologise for not bring Detol for her and wanted to hand her $2 to buy some antiseptic wipes and offer to pay for her vaccination lest she gets some disease due to the accidental sneeze.

Or maybe I should write to SMRT and request for myself to be isolated in the last cabin. Where I get lots of seats to choose from and not have to be on my toes every time I sit on a priority seat. Speaking of which, I very zi dong one okay. If you are carrying heavier things than me/look more tired than me, I won't fight for seat with you even if you're a male. Cuz I understand it's super tiring to work/go to school for the whole day and still have to inhale the pungent smell emitted from unknown sources and stand from Jurong East to God-knows-where. Even if it means I have to stand from Jurong to Yishun, which according to the MRT guide is a whooping 29mins, I would not fight with you for the seat. BUT if you try to fight with me for the seat and you don't look as in need ah, that's another story.

This shall be sufficient to satisfy my fans' hunger for a new post. I love you all.

Signing off with lots of love,
your classmate who's gonna give birth to an angmoh baby in future.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gathering updates

Hi all,

it's the event planner of 13/07 once again! There are some definite plans for our Christmas-NewYear Pull Your Ear event now! Please go rsvp so that I can gauge the participating numbers. Timo and I will be coming up with the final plans for the gathering. Also, please help to invite Ms Ma and Ms Quek. And any other teachers you guys have in mind. The more the merrier.

To the post below:
please don't be shameless. LOL! Hope you fall into a pit of shit. =) And don't think you ORD earlier than us you big hor. Someone else ORD before you! :D

Last but not least, Happy belated birthday to Veron and Wanjing!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hello :)

Wanted to blog to say Happy Birthday to WJ and Veron, but Xf beat me to it. Damn.
The next birthday is SY's. SY, if you're reading this, I'll be very very very very very late if we're meeting. And you know why.
We gotta meet up, like a class gathering of some sort. Best if its at ECP! I want to blade!

But I've got a nasty feeling that we've got to wait till around the Christmas period.
So come on everybody, lets meet up soon.
Commit some time, put in some effort and send those sms to those whom you've been wanting to meet, but keep  pushing back! Just a simple lunch or movie is great too you know.

Speaking of movies, I just watched "tong yan" by yang cheng lin. Erm. Only watch if you have extra $ left and really cannot think of anything else to spend on. Like really last resort. All the shops you know are mysteriously closed. 7-11 is down for renovations, that kind of situation. Heng I watched for free.

So yeah. would love to hear from other peeps that I seldom meet up, would like to know whatever goes on in your life! So, do actively share, k? :)

- Your best looking college mate -

p.s. the html's a little jumbled up. dunno how to fix it though. or isit because of my browser? i m using chrome. those who know, pls lend a little of your html talents to rectify it! Thanks!

Monday, October 11, 2010

happy birthday

aren't the two of you excited:):) haha! you two are the first to be celebrated on this blog. yeah! well, i hope the two of you really enjoyed your special day! welcome to the twenties club! (okay, i feel super old penning this; turned twenty a loooong time ago. LOL) take care and see you all soon!

P.S. people, please try to update once in a while so we can all know what you are up to and how you are getting on yeah? tyvm!

-xf ^^


Saturday, October 9, 2010

We want a class gathering soon!

As shown in the title, some of us are itching for a class gathering as we haven't had one since I don't know how many years. So dearest thirteens, kindly post on the tagboard to the left which days you will be free during Dec 10 - Feb 11.

Also, let's congrats the guys who are coming to the end of their torturous time in Army:

Ziang - 2 Dec 10
Siaun - 11 Dec 10
Timothy - 12 Feb 11
Yixuan - 13 Feb 11

Okay, I'm being a bit shameless but still don't forget to put down a date you are free. Also, ideas on what we can do for the gathering are welcomed!

Feel free to drop any ideas on the tagboard or sms me @ 9455 0779 coz I am organizing the next class gathering (again -.-) Good night all!


welcome to our world:)

hey thirteens! as you can see, i have created a class blog for us:):) yeah! come here regularly to do updates okay? especially on your life so we can know what is going on! we will try our best to keep in touch and have more class outings and such. i love 1307!!!

les personnes les plus influentes au monde
-either you get it or you don't.

Non Mihi Solum